Publication details

Kulturreflexives Lernen im Hochschulunterricht DaF am Beispiel des Konzepts der Erinnerungsorte

Title in English Culture-Reflective Learning in the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language at Universities: Using the Concept of Places of Memory as an Example


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords teaching of German as a foreign language; culture-reflective learning; cultural memory; places of memory; didactic potential;
Description The learning and teaching of German as a foreign language at universities seems to be a very suitable place, which offers a wide space for the memory-historical approach in the context of a culture-reflective foreign language teaching. The main purpose of this paper is to examine how the concept of the Places of Memory can be used in this lesson. Initially, the concepts of collective and cultural memory as well as (the) culture of remembrance are included, which are central for the concept of Places of Memory from the point of view of common scientific theories. Afterwards, the concept of Places of Memory will be briefly presented and in the following some reflections on the didactic potential of this concept will be represented by means of a concrete example. The example is anchored in the context of high school, specifically in teaching German as a foreign language, and the discourse space is represented by the Czech city of Brno, specifically the Jewish cemetery.
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