Publication details

Spies and peaceniks : Czechoslovak intelligence attempts to thwart NATO’s Dual-Track Decision


ČERNÝ Vladimír SUCHÝ Petr

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cold War History
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords NATO; nuclear weapons; Czechoslovak intelligence; active measures; peace movements
Attached files
Description This article deals, drawing on newly available declassified documents, with the efforts of Czechoslovak intelligence services to prevent deployments of new intermediate nuclear forces on the territory of some European North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states, planned by the NATO Dual Track Decision of December 1979. Attention is paid to goals of Czechoslovak intelligence in Western Europe, their perception of threats posed by NATO, and methods used to torpedo the NATO plan. The article concludes that despite the fact that Czechoslovak intelligence faced many challenges when carrying out active measures, its capability to target and infiltrate various organisations and movements was not negligible.
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