Publication details

Vojenská ochrana demarkačních linií na Mikulovsku a Valticku v letech 1918-1920

Title in English Military Protection of Demarcation Lines in Mikulov and Valtice Region in 1918-1920

LEXA Lukáš

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 34. Mikulovská sympozia: Formování hranice na Moravě po roce 1918
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords demarcation line; state border; Valtice; Mikulov; Slovácko Brigade; Volkswehr; Czechoslovak Militia from Italy
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Description The paper deals with the changes of the state border in South Moravia in the period immediately after the First World War in connection with the establishment of the Deutsch-Südmähren region. The paper presents a rather unexplored topic, using unpublished archival sources of the Czech and Austrian origin. The emerging state border of Czechoslovakia (firstly as a demarcation line in Valtice and Mikulov) was protected by units of the Slovácko Brigade, the Home Guard, the Czechoslovak Militia from Italy and the Volkswehr. The military service brought the soldiers a lot of misery. Some even lost their lives. Of course, the border guards were in contact with the people travelling from one state to another and with the locals. A part of the paper is also devoted to their interractions and attitudes.
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