Publication details

Obraz a kult Salus Populi Romani v náboženské politice a imaginaci brněnských jezuitů

Title in English Image and cult of Salus Populi Romani in religious politics and imagery of Jesuits in Brno


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Brno v minulosti a dnes : Příspěvky k dějinám a výstavbě Brna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Salus Populi Romani; Merciful image of Our Lady of the Snows; Jesuit Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Brno; Marian devotions; Jesuit spirituality; religious imagination; spiritual practice; Marian sodalities
Description The study focuses on the Brno early modern copy of the devotional painting of Our Lady of the Snows in the context of religious practice, Jesuit spirituality and imagination. It first presents an iconographic iconological description of the decorative adjustment of the merciful painting and the altar of Our Lady of the Snows in the novice chapel. The following part of the study deals with the religious practice of the sodality of the assumption of Our Lady and novices, and with the perception and importance of Virgin Mary in the period of the religious formation of the future members of the order. The merciful painting of Our Lady of the Snows is interpreted as a versatile catechization and meditation tool.
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