Publication details

Století paratextů : o peritextech v bohemikálních tiscích 16. století

Title in English Century of paratexts On Peritexts in Bohemical Prints of the 16th Century


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Studia bibliographica Posoniensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords paratexts; peritexts; cover sheet; the reverse of the cover sheet; dedication; preface; end of book; motto; index; table of contents
Description In this study, we analyse the evolution of individual parts of books in Bohemian publishing in the course of 16th century. We are therefore interested in literary peritexts such as the cover sheet (title, stating the name of the author and other contributors), the reverse of the cover page (coat of arms of the dedicant, eulogies in Latin and Czech about the author or the dedicant, table of contents, mottos, blank page), the introductory paratexts such as dedications and prefaces, concluding paratexts like afterwords, including the index and the content, prayers, songs etc. We established three different development periods based on several individual probes: 1) between 1500 and 1530, when cover pages, dedications and prefaces are standardised as integral parts of the book; 2) between 1530 and 1570, when we progressively monitor a social dimension of these paratexts. This is also a period of textual stabilisation and formalisation; 3) between 1570 and 1600, which sees the paratex become a permanent fixture of books (even when written in Czech) in the form of Latin occasional poetry.
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