Publication details

Digital Competence : from Self-evaluation to Analysis of Students Learning Behaviour

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ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Digital competencies are in not only the European, but overall in a global context, the strong theme that has essentially the exponential growth in the analysis of publications in Scopus. We conducted a study will be based on two courses taught at the Faculty of Arts - are consistently based on the framework DigComp, allowing direct comparison study of behaviour no results from tests of the reference framework. One course was a form of blended learning, the other purely online, both have identical online support (it was open Web-based courses). Total research sample is 146 people, primarily from the philosophical faculty. Students in both courses studied online, wrote a final test and conducted their self-evaluation within the DigComp 2.1 reference model. At the same time, they also commented on how they imagine a digitally competent citizen and ranked a domain of competence according to their importance. Our empirical study wants to focus on the following research questions: 1) How do the students themselves assess the digital competence? 2) Is there a correlation between their evaluation and test results? 3) Is there a relationship between how they are evaluated and what is their movement on the course pages? 4) What topics are interested in on the site? Reflected somehow in the other measurable parameters? 5) How do students introduce a "digitally competent person"? For answers to these research questions we will use relatively diverse source tools - e-learning support in the information system of the University, Google Analytics and Smartlook surrendered files in e-learning with a final questionnaire.
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