Publication details

Jak učíme informační gramotnost? A co jde dělat jinak?

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Title in English How do we teach information literacy? And what else can be done?

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of the lecture or workshop (both possible) will be to reflect on how we work with information literacy in the school environment. I will try to show some interesting results of the research we have done within the TAČR project and show that this is a topic that (at least in secondary schools) enters both computer science education and many other subjects. We will try to show how it reflects school curricula, teachers in interviews and students. The aim will be to discuss together what information literacy is, how to teach it, and how to help colleagues in non-computer science subjects. At the same time, a prototype of an online textbook for secondary schools focusing on information literacy will be introduced as one of the two most important topics of computer science education.
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