Publication details

Constraining integrable AdS/CFT with factorized scattering


WULFF Jörgen Linus

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of High Energy Physics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords AdS-CFT Correspondence; Bosonic Strings; Integrable Field Theories; Scattering Amplitudes
Description We consider (warped) AdS string backgrounds which allow for a GKP spinning string/null cusp solution. Integrability implies that the worldsheet S-matrix should factorize, which in turn constrains the form of the warp factor as a function of the coordinates of the internal space. This constraint is argued to rule out integrability for all supersymmetric AdS(7) and AdS(6) backgrounds as well as AdS(5) Gaiotto-Maldacena backgrounds and a few highly supersymmetric AdS(4) and AdS(3) backgrounds.

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