Publication details

Atomic layer deposition of copper (I) chloride using liquid 1-chlorobutane precursor


KRUMPOLEC Richard CAMERON David Campbell BAČA Dominik HUMLÍČEK Josef CAHA Ondřej

Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
Description Zinc blende-structure g-copper (I) chloride is a wide, direct bandgap semiconductor with the potential for applications in UV optoelectronics. Atomic layer deposition has previously been applied to deposition of copper chloride CuCl thin films and nanocrystallites [1,2]. The ALD-like process was reported using solid precursors [Bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene]-(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)copper(I) and Pyridine HCl [3]. In this paper, we worked with anhydrous 1-Chlorobutane as a Cl precursor for deposition of CuCl thin films. The advantage of this liquid precursor is high vapour pressure enabling short pulsing times. The CuCl films were deposited on crystalline silicon with different pretreatment and also on polyimide polymeric substrates. The structural, chemical, optical and photoluminescent properties of CuCl thin films were studied by SEM, XRD, AFM, XPS, optical reflectance and photoluminescence. Figure 1 shows the SEM image of a layer of CuCl crystallites on a silicon substrate cleaned by RCA protocol. The deposition using the liquid 1-chlorobutane precursor is compared to the process using previously reported solid Pyridine HCl. precursor.
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