Publication details

Ideal-lens cloaks and new cloaking strategies


BĚLÍN Jakub TYC Tomáš GRUNWALD Mateusz OXBURGH Stephen COWIE Euan N. WHITE Chris D. COURTIAL Johannes Klaus

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Optics Express
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Ideal lens; invisible cloaking; transformation optics; nested cloaks
Description Previously we presented the theory of transformation optics (TO) with ideal lenses and demonstrated an example, an omnidirectional lens. Here we interpret this omnidirectional lens in two different parameter regimes as ideal-lens cloaks that employ different cloaking strategies: a standard "shrink cloak" in which objects appear smaller (ideally zero) and a novel "abyss cloak" in which interior physical-space positions are mapped to the exterior and thus are visible only from certain directions. We proceed to combine two nested abyss cloaks into another novel, omnidirectional, "bi-abyss cloak." Our work significantly extends the arsenal of cloaking strategies.

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