Publication details

Optical triangulations of curved spaces


GARCIA Dimitris G. CHAPLAIN Gregory J. BĚLÍN Jakub TYC Tomáš ENGLERT Christoph COURTIAL Johannes Klaus

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Optica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords curved spaces; deficit angle; optical simulation
Description Not only do curved spaces fascinate scientists and non-scientists, but they are also at the heart of general relativity and modern theories of quantum gravity. Optical systems can provide models for the wave and quantum behavior of curved spaces. Here we show how to construct optical systems that simulate triangulations of 3D curved spaces, for example, the curved 3D surface of a 4D hypersphere. Our work offers a new approach to the optical simulation of curved spaces, and has the potential to lead to new ways of thinking about physics in curved spaces and simulating otherwise inaccessible phenomena in non-Euclidean geometries.

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