Publication details

Vinuté filtrační moduly na bázi přízí modifikovanými vodivými polymery s odolností proti růstu biofilmu

Title in English Wound filtration modules based on yarn modified with conductive polymers with resistivity against biofilm growth

ČERNÝ Jiří JOSEFÍK František BITTNER Michal MIKULA Přemysl

Year of publication 2019
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Wound yarn based on cotton was modified with conductive polymer polypyrrole. Nanoparticles of silver were reduced on the cotton. The silver nanoparticles are bound to the polypyrrole structure by coordination-covalent bond. High stability of this modification was proved with no release of nanoparticles nor conductive polymer.
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