Publication details

Husitské poselstvo, projev Pax vobis, šestice stručných vzpomínek : (staro)nové poznatky k chebskému jednání z května 1432

Title in English Hussite delegation, Pax vobis speech, six brief memories : (old)new knowledge on the Cheb negotiations from May 1432


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Cheb judge; 1432; Hussites; Council of Basel; Henricus Toke; Martin Lupáč
Description The study deals with three aspects of the Cheb negotiations from May 1432 to which only a little attention has been given so far: the personal constitution of the Hussite delegation, Henricus Toke's statements glorifying the Council of Basel and six memories of utraquist priest Martin Lupáč.
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