Publication details

Slavík, J., Janík, T., Najvar, P., & Knecht, P. (2017). Transdisciplinární didaktika: o učitelském sdílení znalostí a zvyšování kvality výuky napříč obory.

Title in English Slavik, J., Janik, T., Najvar, P., & Knecht, P. (2017). Transdisciplinary didactics: about teacher sharing of knowledge and improving the quality of teaching across disciplines.

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2020
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publications of Jan Slavík, Tomáš Janík, Petr Najvar and Petr Knecht act as revelations or signs in the Czech educational environment. It covers 455 pages, which are written in relatively small print. There are four chapters, which logically follow each other. The work with the text itself cannot be linear, because the authors tried to include a large number of exploratory blocks, examples or nested explanations in the text. I believe that the reader will have a full understanding of the text only when it is read several times, during which it will gradually reveal the layers of the text.

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