Publication details




Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 10th International Scientific Conference on Reproduction of Human Capital - Mutual Links and Connections (RELIK)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords social entrepreneurship; public administration; labour market; social policy
Description Social enterprises are becoming a powerful and effective tool for the employment of disadvantaged people in the labour market and are an effective took of state and local governments in the fight against social exclusion, rising unemployment and segregation of excluded localities. The Czech Republic is among the countries that discover the benefits of social entrepreneurship, especially at the regional level. The paper aims at identifying the support provided the social enterprises in the individual regions in the Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the discussion on recommendations for possible tools to promote social entrepreneurship at regional or municipal level. The research was carried out by analysing web sites of individual regions in the Czech Republic and by conducting interviews with public administration employees and representatives of social enterprises. The survey showed that each region in the Czech Republic approaches social enterprise in another way, there is no uniform support from the ministries. This is mainly attributed to the non-existent law on social entrepreneurship. Also, there is no clear agreement on the part of the entrepreneurs about possible support from the state administration, either at the regional or municipal level.

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