Publication details

Creative interdisciplinary collaboration: A systematic literature review

Title in English Creative interdisciplinary collaboration: A systematic literature revie


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Thinking Skills and Creativity
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Keywords interdisciplinary collaboration in creativity; creativity in the individual dimension; crearitivity in the collective dimension; creativitiy in the environmental dimension
Description A systematic literature review was conducted to condense recent contributions on interdisciplinary collaboration for creativity as a strategic approach to aim innovation. Sixty-one documents from the period of the last five years were selected from Scopus. Findings were analyzed toidentify whathas currently beeninvestigated about interdisciplinary collaboration in creativity; namely, what types of problems emerge within interdisciplinary collaboration and what elements are important to consider regarding interdisciplinary collaboration to foster creativity. A rising tendency for research in interdisciplinary groups and creativity was detected. Results of the studied texts include working definitions, knowledge domain aggrupations, highlights on organizational, educational and research fields and arguments that enhance creativity in the individual, collective and environmental dimensions. Their practical implications for management and theoretical models are also identified. This review integrates studied ideas with a proposition of a more detailed definition of creative interdisciplinary collaboration in the given framework.

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