Publication details

Vliv plánovaných novelizací zákoníku práce na pracovněprávní praxi aneb Pár drobností a jeden velký problém pro zaměstnavatele

Title in English Influence of Intended Labour Code Amendments on Labour Law Practice, or A Few Trifles and One Considerable Issue for the Employer


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Obrana pracovního práva. The Defence of Labour Law. Pocta prof. JUDr. Miroslavu Bělinovi, CSc.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Katalog MU
Keywords Labour Law; Labour Code Amendments; Employment Law Relationships; Inequality of Subjects; Employee; Employer; Job Sharing; Leave; Reduction of Full-time Weekly Working Hours
Description The text deals with selected institutes arising out of employment law relationship and their legal consequences as far as labour law practice is concerned. Namely, issues related to the concepts of job sharing, entitlement to the fifth week of annual leave for employees as well as reduction of full-time weekly working hours have been analysed. The authors aim to point out the possible practical influence thereof resulting from the currently intended amendments of respective Labour Code provisions, while reflecting the various perspectives of both contractual parts of an employment law relationship.

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