Publication details

Buchbesprechung: Veit Neumann, Josef Spindelböck, Sigmund Bonk (Hg.) : Glaube und Kirche in Zeiten des Umbruchs

Title in English Book review: Veit Neumann, Josef Spindelböck, Sigmund Bonk (ed.) : Faith and Church in Times of Upheaval


Year of publication 2020
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Book review: Veit Neumann, Josef Spindelböck, Sigmund Bonk (ed.): Faith and Church in Times of Upheaval. The title of the present opulent volume connects two different horizons: on the one hand, the Austrian-Bavarian collective of editors invites the reader to an intellectual reflection on the seriousness of the situation of faith and the church in the current “times of change”, on the other hand, this reflection is a part of a festive occasion, the 60th birthday of the rector of the St. Pölten University of Philosophy and Theology, Prof. Dr. Josef Kreiml.
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