Publication details

Technické aspekty využitelnosti agregované flexibility pro obchodní i technické služby

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Title in English Technical aspects of usability aggregated flexibility for business and technical services

STŘELEC Martin MAMULA Ondřej PITNER Tomáš KASL František HRYCEJ David

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Energetika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords flexibility; network-secure flexibility; flexibility usage models
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Description Meeting the goals of European environmental and social strategies, such as the European Green Deal or the previous Energy Union, leads to significant changes in the energy environment, where there is a major penetration new technologies and structural changes in energy markets. Production (eg self-sufficient energy communities) or consumer unmanageable technologies (eg electromobility) are often penetrating the electricity system (ES), often with a significant spatio-temporal character, which increase the volatility of electricity system operation. Its impact is amplified by changes in energy markets, with one of the most significant being the shortening of trading intervals and the emergence of new market mechanisms. The article deals with realistic models of flexibility using even smaller providers, which allow to cope with the growing need to respond flexibly to often unpredictable fluctuations on the side of production and consumption.
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