Publication details

Zhoubné nádory penisu

Title in English Malignant tumors of the penis


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The book is intended to serve as a source of comprehensive information about an elderly patient with cancer. It is intended not only for oncologists, but also for non-oncology specialists and general practitioners. Elderly patients with cancer, often duplications or triplicates, usually suffer from a number of other currently treated diseases. The book aims to facilitate the often very difficult decisions in the field of polypharmacotherapy, assessment of the overall condition of the senior in relation to the expected diagnostic or therapeutic process and, of course, complications in cancer treatment or decompensation of others, always in the context of existing malignancy. The aim of the book is not to create an extensive oncology textbook, but on the contrary to cover and emphasize especially the differences and specifics of individual diagnoses of elderly patients. The composition of the author's team reflects the reality of daily care for these patients and includes basic expertise in treatment.

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