Publication details

Jednoduché vyšetření zraku u dětského pacienta

Title in English Simple eye examination in a child patient

BENEŠ Pavel VRUBEL Martin HLUBOCKÁ Šárka MALÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pediatrie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Odkaz na časopis
Keywords eye examination; visual acuity; modern technologies; eye screening examination; low vision therapy
Description One of the preventive examinations in pediatry is an orientation eyes checking. Nowadays, the focus is on performing tasks carefully, non-invasively and effectively. For this we can use various simple aids and devices that make the whole examination easier and more attractive. As helpers we can include the Spot Vision Screener or Plusoptix Vision Screener which in a few seconds perform a series of measurements during the screening of visual functions in a child patient. The article focuses on an overview of adequate screening procesdures and comparison of Spot Vision Screener and Plusoptix Vision Screener screening devices applicable in pediatric practice.

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