Publication details

100 let od dopadení zločince Leopolda Pausera

Title in English 100th Anniversary of Capture of the Criminal Leopold Pauser


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník Forum Brunense 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords City of Brno police; Leopold Pauser; Josef Macourek; Pistauer; Adolf Josef Ernst Ripka; gendarme
Description Leopold Pauser was a dangerous murderer and mugger known for his violence. First drew attention to himself by a crime committed in 1918 on the outskirts of Brno during an encounter with a regularly patrolling thirty year old gendarme Josef Macourek who, although Pauser had used fake identity, recognized him as the wanted army deserter. Folowing a short fight in which Pauser had brutally murdered the gendarme using his military bayonet, Pauser robbed Macourek's personal belongins and threw his blood-stained body into the River Svratka. However, this particular murder was just one of many phases in Pauser's criminal life by which he has surpassed criminals way more notorious than him in terms of versatility and the number of lost lives.
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