Origin of a silver Stollhof-type disc excavated at Vanovice (South Moravia)
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2020 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Praehistorische Zeitschrift |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/pz-2020-0007 |
Doi | http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/pz-2020-0007 |
Keywords | hoard; Vanovice; silver disc; Baalberge phase; Depotfund; Silberscheibe |
Description | The oldest silver artefact from north of the Alps was found on the territory of Czech Republic is Stollhoff- type disc found in Kotouč hill near Štramberk. Similar silver disc was recently excavated at Vanovice (Czech Republic). This paper was complied to answer these particular questions: 1. what was the origin of earliest silver artefacts in Central Europe, 2. when these artefacts were emerged, and 3. what raw material was used and how it was processed. To answer these questions, typological analysis of vessels, thermoluminescence (TL) dating, compositional analysis (performed by ED-XRF) and scanning electron microscopy were employed. According to shape of ceramic vessels accompanying silver artefact, the Vanovice hoard can be dated to the Baalberge phase of the Funnel Beaker Culture during the later Eneolithic. Attempt to date pottery by TL method was not successful. The local origin of the pottery and the Carpathian/ East-Balkan source of metal suggest that the Vanovice silver disc and the accompanying pottery were made in different periods, largely because precious metals endure longer than pottery. |