Publication details

Fenomén agroturismu na příkladu Jihomoravského kraje

Title in English The phenomenon of agritourism on the example of South Moravia Region


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXIII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords agritourism;sustainable tourism;tourism supply
Description This paper reacts to the recent trend in tourism in the form of agritourism. This branch of rural tourism has been increasing in the last decade and is becoming more attractive in the connotation to the growth of the urban population rate. Urban citizens of towns gradually seek out places close to nature for their recreation and relaxation. The presence of urban visitors and their sojourn in rural areas generate for farmers resp. entrepreneurs offering agritourism services an additional income and represent a diversification of their business. So, there is no doubt about the positive benefits of agritourism for both supply and demand. This paper, therefore, aims to observe and analyse the agritourism supply, and after data synthesis to describe the actual implementation of this form of tourism. The South Moravian Region was chosen as a research area. The goal was achieved by own data database of 23 surveyed objects, which were the only ones that fulfilled the criteria set on the background of the literature search. The object had to offer accommodation, provide relevant information on its own website and during the visit, there should be an interaction between the visitor and the domestic animals (e.g. in the form of a mini-zoo, observation, etc.). The results confirmed that, despite considerable diversity (e.g. in terms of capacity indicators, so the number of beds or rooms), agritourism serves as a cheaper alternative to vacation and provides some typical activities, such as horse riding
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