Publication details

O Antikristově moci podle tzv. betlémských kázání

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Title in English The Antichrist´s power according to the Bethlehem sermons


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Graeco-Latina Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Antichrist; Eschatology; Hus; Sermon; Reformation
Description The study deals with the topic Antichrist used in so-called Bethlehem sermons which are included in the 12th volume in the planned Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera omnia series. This topic is presented from these points of view - content, the terminology used to speak about the Antichrist, and the biblical and non-biblical authorities referred to. The study also describes all similarities with other possible sources of inspiration, that is, works by Hus, by Hus’s contemporaries, his so-called predecessors, and John Wyclif and pre-Hussite synodal sermons.
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