Publication details

Development of Psychosocial Skills of Teachers



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source R&E-SOURCE Open Online Journal for Research and Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Competencies; Psychosocial skills; Teaching process
Attached files
Description The modern vocational school hasto react flexibly to market demands which leads to high expectations from teachers.Todaycompanies demand not only professionally trainedworkers, but workers who are able towork in a team, solveconflict situations and create positive workplace atmosphere.Teachers must therefore develop not only the cognitive component of the students'personality, but also theiraffective component. Teachers mustimplement theteaching methods that train students to cooperate among themselves, to find solutions in critical or conflict situations and to respect others.Competences that are focused on developing the students' emotional intelligence and fundamentally contributing to the climate of the classroom must be sensitively integrated into the teaching process.The article deals with the question aboutcompetences which develop the affective component are necessaryandmustbemastered by future teachers and what methods of teaching should be chosen fortheeducation of students atsecondary vocational schools
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