Publication details

Septický šok u novorozence při stafylokokovém syndromu opařené kůže (SSSS)

Title in English Septic shock in a newborn with scalded skin staphylococcal syndrome (SSSS)


Year of publication 2020
Type Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The 7-day-old full-term newborn was born in the 39th week of pregnancy, spontaneously by the head, with a birth weight of 3210 g and a length of 49 cm. Apgar score 10-10-10. On the seventh day of life, small blisters appeared in the groin, which were initially treated only with local therapy. The next day, the condition progressed to area desquamation and erythoderma, on the basis of which the boy was admitted to the regional hospital. Initial laboratory samples were completely normal. The patient was afebrile but was secured with oxacillin. As a suspected pemphigus neonatorum, however in differential diagnosis and as an epidermolysis bullosa he was sent to our workplace.

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