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Personalizovaný síťový model pro medicínsky nevysvětlené tělesné symptomy

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Title in English Personalized network model for medically unexplained physical symptoms


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords network approach; dynamic network modeling; personalized network model; medically unexplained symptoms; experience sampling method
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Description Objectives. The field of psychopathology has recently witnessed a new trend in which a network perspective is applied to understand mental health problems. This perspective, coupled with the sampling of patients’ everyday experience, allows researchers to develop personalized models that describe the dynamic relationships between symptoms over time. The objective of this study was to test the applicability of network models to understand the dynamics of medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS). Sample and setting. Two patients suffering from MUPS answered a questionnaire for three weeks, five times a day, using a mobile application to determine the intensity of their symptoms and selected psychological and situational variables. Statistical analysis. Two types of networks, temporal and contemporaneous, were estimated using the vector autoregression method. Results. Temporal and contemporaneous networks are presented for each patient separately. Consequently, a possible focus of psychotherapeutic interventions is derived from the models. Study limitation. The relatively low number of measurements did not allow to include all measured variables in the models. A small sample of patients limits the generalizability of the results to the population of MUPS patients.
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