Publication details

Le (futur) traducteur face au texte : une lecture herméneutique

Title in English (Future) translator faces the text : a hermeneutical reading


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Romanistica Comeniana
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords hermeneutical reading; reading grids; translation; translation teaching; vouloir dire
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Description The translation is examined from both a diachronic and synchronic point of view. In the first case, there is namely a before perspective when the text translated does not exist yet. This case doesĽ howeverĽ include its own after, not concerning yet the text having been translated, which is to be examined as a second step in a synchronic way. So as to appreciate the first situation of a translator facing a text, we find a useful tool to be F. Rastier’s translator’s critical activity enabling him to pass from a retrospective hermeneutics... to a prospective hermeneutics. Here the translation represents an act of reading and decrypting, followed by an exploration of the target language field. We would like to emphasize the idea of a code or codes to be decrypted and a hermeneutic quest for the author’s vouloir dire.
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