Výjimky a omezení autorského práva v prostředí digitálních sítí
Title in English | Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright Law in the Digital Network Environment |
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Year of publication | 2020 |
Type | Monograph |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | MYŠKA, Matěj. Výjimky a omezení autorského práva v prostředí digitálních sítí (Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright Law in the Digital Network Environment). 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2020, 336 pp. Právní monografie. ISBN 978-80-7598-842-3. |
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Description | The effort to achieve a fair balance between the interests of individual entities participating in the copyright law system by limiting the guaranteed exclusive rights has been historically observable since the beginning of its existence and is closely related to the very purpose and social dimension of copyright law. However, the expansion of copyright protection and its enforcement by technical means in response to technical developments poses a major threat to this desired balancing act. The monograph deals with the role and interests of users of subject matter protected by copyright law, selected copyright limits, specific problems of the system of exceptions and limitations that the copyright law is currently facing, as well as de lege ferenda considerations on how to address them and answers the basic research question on how to adapt the system of exceptions and limitations copyright law to the digital network environment. |
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