Publication details

Strategický plán rozvoje sportu ve městě Slavičín 2020-2025

Title in English Strategic development plan of sport in the city of Slavičín 2020-2025


Year of publication 2020
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web Strategický plán rozvoje sportu ve městě Slavičín 2020-2025
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Description Based on the demand from the city of Slavičín, the Institute of Public Administration FAE MU prepared a strategic-analytical document in the field of sport in the city of Slavičín. The document was prepared in cooperation with the city management and a designated working group. Within the analytical and design part of the document, the public was involved in its elaboration through a questionnaire survey, but also local stakeholders (sports organizations and entities) through a combination of questionnaire and local survey. Both primary and secondary data were used in the data collection. The conceptual-analytical document aims to provide the management of the city of Slavičín, its residents and external entities with a view of sports conditions of a more complex and long-term nature in the city of Slavičín respecting the principles of evidence-based methods and approaches. Based on the elaborate analytical part of the work using primary and secondary sources and data, an appropriate synthesis was prepared and in cooperation with the city management subsequently formulated a sports strategy for the city of Slavičín for the following period based on the analytical and synthetic part of the document. The strategic part contains the vision of the city for the next period in the field of sports, proposals for appropriate measures and the planned financial framework for the implementation of the strategy, which should serve as information for the future preparation of city budgets.
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