Publication details

De Moscou a Vladivostok: la suite de paysages dynamiques dans Le monde sans vous de Sylvie Germain

Title in English From Moscow to Vladivostok: the following dynamic landscapes in Sylvie Germain's The World Without You


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference (D)Écrire le paysage
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Sylvie Germain; Trans-siberian railway; Russian landscapes; Vladivostok; intertextuality.
Description This article analyses landscapes as described in Le monde sans vous by Sylvie Germain. In 2010, she, with others, participated in a train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok to exemplify the cultural cooperation between France and Russia. She describes the landscapes she sees in such a way that they are “inhabited” in odd ways. Through the vast Russian territories, she reminds us of the beauty of Russian landscapes, of the richness of its literature, and also of the immense pain some places bear within them. The land is admired, both real and imaginary, full of life, beautiful but it also is crying after all the pain and sufferings that were endured during several troubled times of history.

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