Publication details

Porušení bezpečnosti osobních údajů v kontextu internetu věcí

Title in English Personal data breach in the context of internet of things

KASL František

Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description The goal of the presented research was to assess, if the current legal framework of obligations related to personal data breach under GDPR are purposefully applicable also in the context of internet of things and if so, then which changes can help to overcome eventual discovered challenges or obstacles to it. This issue is studied from four perspectives. The introduction to the topic is from the cyber security perspective. The term personal data breach is defined and explained in relation to the term security incident. Next are presented possible forms of personal data breach, offered evidence for the scope and frequency of this phenomenon and outlined the future trend of its development. Pursuant to that the potential harm for individuals from personal data breach is explained. After that, the topic is approached from the legal perspective. Within it is presented a comprehensive analysis of the legal frameworks with obligations aimed at prevention or mitigation of personal data breach. These are then discussed with the aim to identify challenges and limits applicable to them. The next chapter introduces the impact of technological change of the context, which is defined by the term internet of things. The attention is focused on the new challenges, which are brought by it to personal data processing. The variety of situations, which fall under this term, is captured through three partial scenarios: automated machine-to-machines communication, smart city environment and change in the role of microenterprises. These views are completed with an economic perspective. This is used for modelling the decision-making of the obliged parties regarding their compliance with the obligations related to personal data breach. Subsequently, the presented perspectives are merged, the obtained findings regarding personal data breach in the context of internet of things are summarized and then the possible solutions for the discovered challenges of compliance with the respective obligations are discussed.
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