Publication details

Oral Candidiasis in Non‐Severe COVID‐19 Patients: Call for Antibiotic Stewardship


RIAD Abanoub GAD Akram HOCKOVA Barbora KLUGAR Miloslav

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Oral surgery
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Oral Candidiasis; COVID-19; Antibiotic Stewardship
Description Bacterial/fungal coinfection is a suggested etiological theory for the COVID-19 related oral manifestations that may trigger overprescribing of broad-spectrum antibiotics for COVID-19 patients, especially for the ones who experience a longer course of the infection. Rigorous reporting of the clinical scenarios of fungal complications such as oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) which could cause life-threatening candidemia may help in understanding the ongoing pandemic and the potential role of dentists in frontline teams.Therefore, we aim to describe a non-severe COVID-19 case with oral candidiasis according to the CARE guidelines.

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