Publication details

John Courtney Murray a problematika veřejného konsensu

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Title in English John Courtney Murray and the Problematics of the Public Consensus


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mezinárodní katolická revue Communio
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web web časopisu
Keywords Church and State; Constitution; Democracy; Liberalism; Natural Law; Pluralism; Public Consensus; Secularism
Description This article discusses the American Jesuit theologian John Courtney Murray’´s influential thesis about the compatibility of Catholicism and American democracy. It outlines and criticizes the main arguments of his classic text We Hold These Truths, which remains as one of the most important texts on the relationships between the church and state in the 20th century. More particularly, it focuses on the concept of public consensus, which is supposed to play a key role in pluralistic society. Despite its appeals, the article shows that Murray’´s faith in the natural law basis of this consensus remains unconvincing. More deeply, the basic flaws in Murray’´s work are conceptual, as demonstrated by following and developing the arguments of political theologian William Cavanaugh and the communio theologian David L. Schindler.
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