Publication details

Archeometrické studium raně novověké keramiky ze severozápadního Slovenska (Žilina, Budatín a Lietava)

Title in English Archaeometric study of early modern age pottery from north-western Slovakia (Žilina, Budatín and Lietava)


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archaeologia historica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Text článku
Keywords Žilina; early modern age; pottery; glazes; archaeometry
Description Post-medieval glazed pottery has only been studied marginally in Central Europe. A pottery series from Žilina, Budatín and Lietava enables a unique comparison of written sources and the results of ar- chaeometric analyses conducted by means of optical microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF). The pottery was compared with samples of clays from two historically confirmed clay deposits (Bytčica, Trnové) and sand sediments from the River Váh. The pottery proved to be of local origin. Older vessels from the high Middle Ages showed greater regional differences. Pottery from the mod- ern age period was distributed in the region from the workshops of the potters’ guild in Žilina. The chemical composition of a sample from Trnové – Hrnčiarsky vrch is close to the pottery of two determined production groups. This finding corresponds to the statutes of the potters’ guild in Žilina, according to which potters were to use clay from Trnové as the raw material and sand from the Váh as temper. The analysed silica glazes have a high content of lead, and typically contain copper or manganese added as pigments.
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