Publication details

Využití eye-trackingu ve výzkumu dyslexie

Title in English Use of eye-tracking in the dyslexia research


Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder manifested by reading difficulties such as errors in spelling and decoding words, which complicates reading comprehension and consequently impedes the expansion of vocabulary and further education. Several theories try to explain the cause of dyslexia, some of which are related to the visual perception of dyslexics and their eye movements while reading the text. A detailed analysis of eye movements, specifically saccades and fixations, can be realized via eye-tracking. An analysis of eye movements can bring new knowledge into the diagnosis of dyslexia and subsequent choice of appropriate re-education method of dyslexia. The paper presents a basic overview of the use of eye-tracking in dyslexia research.
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