Publication details

Vliv rozsudku SDEU ve věci Coman (C-673/16) na přechodný pobyt rodinných příslušníků občanů EU

Title in English Impact of the CJEU judgment in Coman (C-673/16) on the temporary residence of family members of EU nationals

VINTROVÁ Anna Katerina

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2020: Sborník příspěvků mladých právníků, doktorandů a právních vědců
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Family Members; Same-Sex Spouse; Coman Case; Permanent Residence; EU Citizenship; CJEU.
Description In the Chamber of Deputies there is currently a law proposal that would equalise registered partnership of same-sex couples with marriage, now a union between a man and a woman. Recognition of same-sex marriages was also subject to a preliminary ruling procedure before the European Court of Justice in the case of Coman. In this case the European Court of Justice specified the conditions under which a spouse of an EU citizen is as the EU citizen’s family member entitled to the right of residence in the EU citizen’s home country in case the country does not recognize same-sex marriages. Apart from an analysis of the judgment itself, the paper deals with its impact on temporary stay of EU citizens’ family members and its significance for the Czech legal environment.
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