Publication details

Polynomial-Size Binary Decision Diagrams for the Exactly Half-d-Hyperclique Problem Reading Each Input Bit Twice


KRÁĽ Daniel

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Keywords Binary decision diagrams; Free binary decision diagrams
Description A binary decision diagram (BDD) is a graph-based data structure representing Boolean functions; a""-BDDs are BDDs with an additional restriction that each input bit can be tested at most a"" times. A d-uniform hypergraph H on N vertices is an exactly half-d-hyperclique if N/2 of its vertices form a hyperclique and the remaining vertices are isolated. Wegener [J. ACM 35(2), 461-471 (1988)] conjectured that there is no polynomial-size (d-1)-BDD for the Exactly half-d-hyperclique problem. We refute this conjecture by constructing polynomial-size (syntactic) 2-BDDs for the Exactly half-d-hyperclique problem for every da parts per thousand yen2.

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