Publication details

Právo na život a biomedicína

Title in English Right to Life and biomedicine

VALC Jakub

Year of publication 2020
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This book contains a constructive critique of the current strategy of a protection of the right to life. Attention is paid not only to traditional topics of abortion, death penalty and euthanasia, but also to the nature and legal regulation of biomedical technologies, which are becoming a new and relatively independent form of power over life, especially in the field of genetic engineering and assisted reproduction. In this context, new methods and procedures are explored, which allow not only to create a human life, but also to determinate the conditions of its biological and social development. The attention is especially paid to the issue of genetic selection and human embryo research, as well as to surrogacy and germ cell donation, what are the institutes that change the current concept of parenthood and motherhood. The intention is to show that state, according to the purpose of its formation, can face to these new forms of interventions only under the condition that he will reflect the danger nature of the biomedical technologies and will provide adequate protection for human life from the moment of conception, when it is the most vulnerable.

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