Publication details

Účinná lítost jako způsob zániku trestní odpovědnosti u porušování práv duševního vlastnictví se zaměřením na mladistvé pachatele

Title in English Effective remorse as a way of extinction criminal liability for infringements of intellectual property rights with a focus on juvenile offenders


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2020: Sborník příspěvků mladých právníků, doktorandů a právních vědců
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Effective Remorse; Juvenile Offenders; Copyright; Intellectual Property Rights; Criminal Code
Description The author focuses on the institute of effective remorse, including a focus on the differences of effective remorse in the case of juvenile offenders. The second part of the article focuses on particular crimes and their relationship to the institute of effective remorse, specifically crimes against intellectual property rights and copyright. The conclusion of the article reflects the effort to analyse the current conception of the effective remorse by the Criminal Code and the perception of the whole issue by criminal doctrine.
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