Publication details

Pravděpodobně většinu času žijeme onlife

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Title in English Probably most of the time we live onlife

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Distinguishing between online and offline for most of our normal activities ceases to make sense. We live in a space that unites both of these previously separate worlds into one - we experience onlife. A life in which we constantly interact with technology, but also with each other. We are in a situation where collaboration is not just a matter of human teams, but of hybrid communities, in which part of the team consists of artificial intelligence systems. What does this situation mean in terms of the importance of openness of data, approaches and social structures? Why is an open approach more important and significant than ever before? And why should we think more about it in the context of education, but also of democracy and freedom?
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