Publication details

Transformar un remolino en un flujo. La experiencia del terapeuta con el cliente deprimido

Title in English Transforming a whirlpool into a flow: the therapist in the depressed situation


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Revista figura fondo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords depression; therapist´s experience; coping strategies; field theory
Attached files
Description The article offers the phenomenological observation and theoretical conceptualisation of such therapists’ feelings and coping impulses that appear in the therapy situation with a depressed client. These experiences can be explored and used for the field diagnosis as a description of a depression specific pattern by which the relational field is organized here and now in the clinical situation. A theoretical model is presented that can be used by therapists to find orientation in their experiences and inspiration for coping with them when in contact with a depressed client. The concept of psychopathology of a situation is introduced, and implications for practice are offered suggesting that it is not so important what the therapist actually does, but how she is with the depressed client.

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