Publication details

Mapování rovnokřídlých ve východní třetině NP Krkonoše, tj. ve čtvercích 5260c, 5260d, 5360a, 5360b, 5360d, 5361a, 5361c a 5460b

Title in English Mapping of Orthopterans in the eastern third of the Krkonoše NP, i.e in squares 5260c, 5260d, 5360a, 5360b, 5360d, 5361a, 5361c and 5460b

VLK Robert

Year of publication 2020
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Results of the mapping of Orthopterans in the Krkonoše NP (8 squares of mapping grid) in 2020 included in the Final report for the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (provider of support).

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