De gratia et libero arbitrio podle Danta Alighieriho a Williama Shakespeara
Title in English | On Relation between Grace and Free-Will according to Dante and Shakespeare |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2020 |
Type | Requested lectures |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Description | Dante and Shakespeare are two philosophical poets, both well-trained and articulate in the questions of moral philosophy and immerged in the controversy of their times. Dante forcibly argues for the free-will in the Comedy and in Convivio, especially against Avveroists, Shakespeare, in his way, stresses the free-will against the deterministic doctrines coming from Lutheranism and Calvinism. Both, Dante and Shakespeare accentuated the fact of human liberty in co-operation with the Divine Providence and efficient Grace. |
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