Publication details

Baptismus, limbus a dignitas christiana podle Danta Alighieriho a Williama Shakespeara

Title in English On the Sacrament of Baptism, Limbo, and on Christian Dignity according to Dante and Shakespeare


Year of publication 2020
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The sacrament of baptism lies in the center of the Christian moral philosophy, theology, and eschatology as the necessary condition of human salvation. Dante reflects its importance many times in his Divine Comedy (4th canto of Inferno); Shakespeare lived the times of deep uncertainty concerning the validity of baptism, and we can find several remarks, probably even some "hidden messages" in plays (Hamlet 3.2; Romeo 1.2; 2.2 and elsewhere, especially in Henry VIII 5.4, and in Merchant of Venice 3.5).
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