Publication details

Ultraviolet variability of B, Be, and B[e] stars

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Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Stars and their variability observed from space
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords stars: early-type; stars: emission-line; Be; stars: variables: general; stars: oscillations
Description We study the ultraviolet variability of evolved B[e], Be, and B stars from our Galaxy and from the Magellanic Clouds. We use IUE observations to derive fluxes of individual stars in the selected bands in the near-UV and far-UV regions. We diagnose the variability in the lines and the total flux variability. We discuss the origin of the UV light variability of studied stars. We detected pulsations in B[e] star HD 50138, LBV-type variations in HD 34664, and constant luminosity for a group of B[e] supergiants.
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