Publication details

Tracing stellar wind variability from space

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Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Stars and their Variability Observed from Space
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KRTIČKA, Jiří and A. FELDMEIER. Tracing stellar wind variability from space. Online. In C. Neiner, W. W. Weiss, D. Baade, R. E. Griffin, C. C. Lovekin, A. F. J. Moffat (eds). Stars and their Variability Observed from Space. Vienna: University of Vienna, 2020, p. 395-401.
Keywords Stars: winds; outflows; mass-loss; early-type; variables; hydrodynamics
Description Mass-loss by winds constitute one of the crucial processes that determine the evolution and fate of stars. The amount of mass lost by a star per unit of time (the mass-loss rate) and its dependence on stellar parameters is therefore one of the crucial ingredients of any stellar evolutionary model. Being derived either from observation or theory, wind mass-loss rates are highly uncertain, in many cases by a factor of a few. The uncertainty in a determination of the mass-loss rate is to a large extent connected with the variability of the wind. We discuss how the observation of stellar winds from space can help trace the wind's variability and its origin, and how that knowledge can be used to derive more precise wind mass-loss rates.
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