Publication details

Barocité du bérénicien : Sur l’inspiration baroque du langage de Bérénice dans L’Avalée des avalés de Réjean Ducharme

Title in English Baroqueness of Berenician : On the baroque inspiration of the idiolect of Bérénice in The Swallower Swallowed by Réjean Ducharme

ŽÍLA Dalibor

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Literature in a globalized context : 11th International Colloquium in Romance and Comparative Literature (Universities of Brno, Halle and Szeged)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Réjean Ducharme; Québec; Canada; Baroque; Neobaroque; postmodernism; quebec litterature; fantasy worlds; idiolect
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Description The Swallower Swallowed (1966) by Réjean Ducharme (1941-2017), a Quebec writer, who made its author a star of Quebec literature overnight, ranks nowadays among the classics of French-canadian literature. The book has met with great success not only with the public and critics, but also in academic circles. It is above all the language that continues to inspire the creation of numerous studies thanks to its originality, which is also the attribute of all the Ducharme's oeuvre. In the case of The Swallower Swallowed, it is the language of Bérénice, its narrator, known as Berenician that attracts the attention of researchers. In our contribution, we will try to show how this idiolect finds its inspiration in the baroque aesthetics and the language of this style thus it si sometimes labeled "baroque". We will demonstrate how mimesis and baroque sensibility contribute to this language to the extent that it can be referred to as baroque and what of its elements show on such an appellation.
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