Publication details

Delivering the unconventional across languages : A Cognitive Grammar analysis of nonce words in “Jabberwocky” and its Ukrainian renditions


LU Wei-lun SHURMA Svitlana KEMMER Suzanne

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Review of Cognitive Linguistics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords cognitive poetics; Cognitive Grammar; translation; lexical blending
Description This paper presents an analysis of nonce words that relies on Cognitive Grammar (CG) using the English version of “Jabberwocky” and its two Ukrainian renditions. We identify great variation among the versions, both inter-lingual and intra-lingual. In particular, not only do the versions differ greatly in terms of construal presented in CG terms, but there are various elements that do not, and simply cannot, get through between the English version and the Ukrainian ones. We accordingly propose that the use of Multiple-Parallel-Text (MultiParT) approach can not only help make generalizations across representative text producers within the same language but also allow one to investigate how different systems of human communication are equipped to produce unconventional meaning using its own conventionalized means, and that use of CG is capable of providing a reliable analytical framework with high descriptive adequacy. We also propose that a combination of MultiParT and CG may constitute an advantage in cross-linguistic research of literary semantics and cognitive poetics.
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